Many dog owners wonder if the foods safely enjoyed by humans can also be consumed by their fur-babies. But like most foods, it pays to be cautious with what you feed your pet — even if you want to feed those fruits and veggies, aka the healthiest foods on the planet.
In terms of fruits, berries are always debatable. The questions are plenty: Can dogs eat raspberries? Are cherries bad for dogs? What berries are harmful to them?
As much as you want your dogs to indulge in the best berries, it pays to be mindful to avoid pet hazards.
Learn which berries are safe and healthy for your dogs, as well as how you can serve these to them.
First Things First: the 90/10 Rule

Before you feed berries to your dogs, follow the 90/10 rule. Feed fruits as you would like dog treats or snacks. The treats you feed them should not make up more than 10 percent of their daily calorie needs. The other 90 should be set for their regular meals aka dog food that offers complete and balanced nutrition.
Berries and Dogs
In general, berries contain vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, as well as tend to be low in sugar. When you feed your dog the right berries at the right amount, they’ll enjoy a healthy snack. Berries are also comprised largely of water, which makes them a refreshing treat.
Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?
Although dogs don’t need to eat fruits to gain nutrients (which they can get from high-quality dog food), raspberries are healthy treats that offer many benefits. This fruit, which is low in calories and sugar, is high in vitamin C, which reduces inflammation and cognitive aging.
In particular, raspberries are good sources of:
- Minerals such as manganese, folic acid, copper, potassium, magnesium and iron.
- Powerful antioxidants that reduce the possibility of diabetes, arthritis, cancer and heart disease.
- Vitamin B-complex and K.
- Dietary fiber, which improves your dog’s digestive system. It also fights obesity by keeping your fur-babies fuller for a longer period.
Before you let your dogs indulge in raspberries, keep in mind that these berries also have the highest levels of xylitol, which a natural sweetener that is found in vegetables and fruits. While xylitol is safe for human consumption, too much of it can be toxic for dogs. Excessive consumption of xylitol can contribute to the development of hypoglycemia and liver disease, which can be life-threatening if left untreated.
This doesn’t mean you should keep your dogs from enjoying raspberries. Feed them this berry in moderation.
Raspberries Nutritional Information
Raspberries can be a nutritious and delicious treat for your dog. Not only are they filled with vitamins and minerals, but they also have a high fiber content. Make sure to understand the nutritional information if you let your dogs have raspberries.
Calories and Macronutrients
A cup of raspberries contains approximately 64 calories, making it a low-calorie option for dogs with weight issues. Raspberries are also rich in macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and fiber, with approximately 14 grams of carbohydrates and 1.5 grams of protein per cup.
Vitamins and Minerals
Raspberries are packed with essential vitamins and trace amounts of other minerals that help boost your dog’s immune system, such as:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Iron
- Folate
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Manganese
- Potassium
Fiber Content
Raspberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber, containing 8g per cup. This makes raspberries good for dogs and their digestive health, as they can help with constipation or diarrhea. It is important to note that while raspberries are generally safe for dogs, they should still be given in moderation to avoid any potential digestive issues.
Health Benefits Of Raspberries For Dogs
Raspberries for dogs provide several health benefits for your four-legged friend, and they can be a part of a healthy diet for dogs. They contain powerful antioxidants which can help protect against disease and promote cell health.
Are raspberries ok for dogs with joint issues, such as senior dogs? Yes, because raspberries are also anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce inflammation. Furthermore, they have immune-boosting properties that help keep your pup healthy and strong while fighting infections and illness. Let’s explore some of the ways that these sweet berries can benefit your furry friend!
Antioxidant Properties
Raspberries are packed with powerful antioxidants to help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidant properties of raspberries possess powerful anti-aging benefits for dogs and help their immune systems remain strong in older pups. They can help prevent chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and cognitive decline in aging dogs.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Raspberries contain natural compounds that can help reduce inflammation in your pup’s body. This can be particularly helpful for pups with arthritis or other joint issues. They may find relief from the pain and discomfort with regular consumption of raspberries.
Boosts Immune System
The antioxidants found in raspberries have been known to help boost the immune system, making it easier for your pup to fight off illnesses and stay healthy. Vitamin C is also present in these sweet berries, which helps protect against viral infections and strengthens immunity. It helps white blood cells function properly and helps prevent infections and illnesses. Adding raspberries to your dog’s diet can help support its immune system and keep them healthy.
Promotes Eye Health
Research has found that eating foods high in antioxidants can improve vision health and brighten eyesight. Eating raspberries will not only help protect against age-related vision complications but also help sharpen focus and clarity.
Promotes Healthy Digestion
Raspberries contain dietary fiber, which helps promote healthy digestion. Regular raspberry consumption helps to prevent constipation or diarrhea. The high levels of vitamin C in raspberries also aid digestion, as well as provide energy for other traditional activities like running and playing.
These delicious and nutritious treats can offer your beloved pup numerous health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, raspberries can help boost your puppy’s immune system and provide anti-inflammatory effects. They also promote healthy eyesight, digestion, and general well-being for your pup.
Common Side Effects While Eating Raspberries For Dogs
Are raspberries safe for dogs? Raspberries can be a great treat, but before you share these little fruits with your canine companion, it’s important to know the potential side effects of feeding them raspberries.
Allergic Reactions
One of the most common side effects of feeding raspberries to dogs is the risk of allergic reactions. Dogs can be allergic to any type of food, including raspberries.
Look for signs of an allergic reaction, such as scratching, difficulty breathing, hives, vomiting, or diarrhea after eating raspberries. If you notice any signs, stop feeding them immediately and seek veterinary help to determine what is causing the reaction.
Digestive Problems
Raspberries contain soluble fiber, which helps keep their digestive system healthy and regular, but too much at once can cause issues such as gas and bloating. If your dog is eating a large number of raspberries regularly, they are at risk of developing an upset stomach.
Eating too many raspberries can lead to diarrhea, an upset stomach, or vomiting. Feed raspberries to your dog in moderation and monitor their digestive health after consumption.
High Sugar Content
Raspberries contain natural sugars that can be beneficial in moderate amounts. Too much can lead to weight gain, dental issues, and even diabetes in some cases. So, raspberries can be problematic for dogs with diabetes or other health conditions that require a low-sugar diet.
If your dog has any underlying health conditions, it’s important to speak with your veterinarian before introducing raspberries into their diet. And it’s best to feed raspberries as a treat or occasional snack rather than making them part of their daily diet.
Choking hazard
The small seeds found in raspberries are a potential choking hazard for dogs if improperly prepared. A consumed seed can become lodged in the dog’s throat, leading to choking or other respiratory issues. To prevent this, removing the seeds and chopping raspberries into small, bite-sized pieces before feeding them to your dog is important. They are a healthy and tasty dog treat when fed in moderation and prepared properly. It’s important to be aware of the potential side effects, follow helpful dog care tips, and know when to stop feeding them.
Can Dogs Eat Blackberries?

Blackberries are full of nutritional perks for both dogs and their “hoomans.”
These include:
- Low sugar content.
- Anthocyanins, an antioxidant found in blue, red or purple foods, fight free radicals, as well as nourish your dog with anti-inflammatory effects, improved brain function and reduced risks of heart disease.
- Fiber addresses gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and constipation.
- Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, which help support the following:
- Activating enzymes
- Encouraging growth
- Building the immune system
- Increasing energy levels
- Metabolizing foods
- Synthesizing hormones
- Omega-3 fatty acids, which promote strong teeth, healthy skin and shiny coat.
If you want to serve blackberries to your dogs, serve them up to three berries and monitor for diarrhea. If your dog doesn’t get sick, add a couple to their food or directly feed them a few blackberries as an occasional treat. The number of berries depends on your dog’s size. For smaller dogs (e.g. Chihuahua), a berry or two should be OK. For bigger dogs (e.g. Labradors and Great Danes), offer them up to six blackberries.
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are healthy, low-calorie treats that are rich in fiber and vitamin C. They also have a teeth-whitening enzyme and high water content. Strawberries also contain natural compounds that act as antioxidants in the body.
When feeding your dogs strawberries, wash them thoroughly and trim off the stem to prevent choking hazards. Make strawberries easier to eat by cutting them into smaller bits or puree them. You can also mash them (an ideal feeding method for smaller dogs). If you have a bigger dog, cut the strawberries in half or serve them whole.
When strawberries are out of season, refrain from feeding them canned strawberries. Never feed your dogs with fruits that have been packed or sugared in syrup. Canned strawberries defeat the purpose of feeding your dogs a healthy treat. Also, these treats may have additives in them, which can be dangerous to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?
The answer is yes — and no.
Cranberries are safe to feed dogs in small quantities. It contains important vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin C – supports skin, bone, muscle and wound healing.
- Vitamin E – an important antioxidant that also supports the immune system.
- Vitamin K1 – essential for blood clotting.
- Fiber – ideal for immune support and gut health.
Similar to the other berries, moderation matters when feeding your dogs cranberries. Too many cranberries can cause diarrhea. Dried cranberries that come with dried fruits are risky, especially if raisins are part of the mix.
Cranberry sauce, in small quantities, is safe for dogs. Only serve them sauce purely made from cranberry and should be free from excess sugar or alcohol — both staples of cranberry sauce.
Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

No, and a bit of yes.
The flesh of the cherry is safe for consumption for dogs. The berry contains fiber, antioxidants and vitamins A and C. But the flesh can also cause an upset stomach.
The worse parts of the cherries are their stems, pits and leaves — all of them containing cyanide, which is toxic to dogs if consumed in large quantities. A single stem or cherry pit may not cause cyanide poisoning, but why take the risk? Don’t ignore the red flags; avoid feeding them cherries.
Still, there are many types of cherries out there, which include maraschino, rainier, bing and black. Although maraschino cherries don’t have pits, they contain plenty of sugar, which is unhealthy for dogs. You can feed your dog a fresh cherry but you have to remove the stem, pit and leaves first. For an owner, that’s a lot of work, considering that your dog’s not going to benefit much from the cherry.
Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?
Blueberries are great low-calorie treats for dogs. They contain fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C and K. These vitamins and minerals support the immune system and promote great health. Also, fiber and Vitamin C, which are phytochemicals, can help your pups fight cancer. On the other hand, antioxidants fight free radicals, aka the culprits behind molecular and cellular damage in humans and dogs.
You can feed your dogs both frozen and fresh blueberries. As treats, make sure your dogs eat them in moderation. Since blueberries are small, you don’t have to cut them into smaller pieces. But if your dog is small, best to cut them up to prevent choking.
What Berries Can Dogs Not Eat 100%?

Although the berries commonly available in groceries and supermarkets are generally safe for dogs, stay away from wild berries. This includes decorative berries, such as holly berries and mistletoe, which can be concerning, especially during the holidays. If you decorate your home with these berries, keep them out of their reach. Place some barriers between your dogs and the flower arrangements.
Other wild berries to avoid are pokeberries, which include baneberries, juniper berries and grapes. While these berries are not fatally toxic, regular consumption of these berries can lead to digestive problems and other negative health outcomes.
Keep your dogs safe from toxic berries by paying close attention to them when on hikes or walks. Dogs sniff and eat almost everything. If you don’t pay attention to them, they may eat wild berries. If your home sits on a property where dogs can freely roam, clear the area of toxic berries.
Before you serve healthy berries to your dogs, wash and clean them first. Washing rinses away residual chemicals and dirt.
Take better care of your dog by feeding them properly. If your dog loves berries, serve them healthy berries as treats a few times a week. Apart from keeping them healthy, you also tickle their love for treats.
Other Berries: Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, and Cranberries
Can dogs eat blackberries and raspberries? What about strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries? They are all sweet treats that your pup can enjoy in moderation. Before you serve these fruits to your furry friend, learn more about the nutritional benefits and potential side effects of doing so.
Nutritional information and health benefits
- Strawberries: Strawberries are a great source of vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants. Feed them to your dog in moderation as they contain natural sugars. The antioxidants in strawberries can help boost your dog’s immune system, and fiber can aid digestion.
- Blueberries: Blueberries are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They can help improve your dog’s cognitive function and reduce inflammation. Blueberries may also help prevent urinary tract infections in dogs.
- Blackberries: Blackberries are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They also contain anthocyanins, which can help improve your dog’s vision and reduce inflammation. Blackberries may also have cancer-fighting properties.
- Cranberries: Cranberries are high in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. They can prevent bacteria sticking to the urinary tract walls, hence avoid infections of the urinary tract. However, it’s important to note that cranberries are acidic, so they should only be fed to your dog in moderation.
Precautions and Potential Side Effects
As with any treat, it’s important to keep the portion size small and feed in moderation. Consuming a large quantity at once can cause indigestion or diarrhea. The seeds of all four fruits also pose a choking hazard, so they should be cut into small pieces before feeding.
Additionally, berries are quite high in sugar, so it is advised not to make them part of your pup’s regular diet and serve as an occasional snack or treat instead.
1) Are raspberries good for dogs?
Raspberries can be a great treat for your dog. Before sharing these little fruits with your canine companion, knowing the potential side effects is important. Feeding them raspberries may cause allergic reactions or digestive problems.
2) How many raspberries can dogs eat?
The amount of raspberries your dog can eat in one sitting depends on its size and weight. As a general guideline, dogs should be limited to no more than 1-2 raspberries per day. If you’re unsure how many raspberries your dog can safely consume, talk to your vet for personalized advice.
3) How many raspberries can I give my dog?
You should give your dog one to two raspberries daily and prepare them properly. It is also important to monitor them while they enjoy their treat and make sure they don’t swallow any raspberry seeds, as these can be a choking hazard.
4) What berries are toxic to dogs?
Grapes, raisins, currants, elderberries, and persimmons can all cause severe health issues in dogs if consumed. It’s best to avoid feeding these types of berries to your dog to keep them safe. If you think your dog has eaten any type of berry that could be potentially toxic, seek immediate veterinary care as it can be life-threatening.