Pet Lovers Palace

Designing a Cattle Yard: 3 Things to Consider

When designing a cattle yard, it’s important to be cautious with the details. If you’re asking for professional help, it’s a good idea that you understand the design principles so that you can check if you’re getting a good deal.

There are several aspects to consider when preparing small cattle yard designs, but three factors stand out: the location, cattle behaviour, and materials.

1. Location

Choosing the right place is crucial because you can’t lift an entire cattle yard and move it. Once it’s installed, it stays right there.

What, then, makes the best location? Here are several points to consider:

2. Cattle Behaviour

Cow with calf

You should take note of these cattle behaviours:

3. Materials

When choosing a material, it’s always recommended to get the quality one even if they are more expensive. Solid constructions with a blank barrier in all directions work well for cattle unless the area is where they should move. Visual barriers are also necessary since, as mentioned, they can see threats from almost all directions and they get stressed easily.

Another thing you need to consider is the smoothness of the entire yard. There should be no spikes, badly split wood, and so on. The materials may be timber or steel. Each has its own benefits. Just make sure that when timber is used, it’s free from termites; use stainless if possible.

Other aspects of designing and constructing a cattle yard include you and your workers’ safety, and yard operations. Each part of the facility has its own specifications and requirements based on the list above. For this reason, it is imperative that experienced professionals handle yard design and installation.

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